Workers Compensation Insurance in Norwalk

Are you looking for a NEW Worker's Compensation Policy in Norwalk, CT with Lower Rates, The Right Coverage, and Great Service?

Are you looking for a NEW Worker's Compensation Company with Great Pricing, The Right Coverage, Great Expert Advice, And Great Service?

We Represent 25+ Companies. We can help any Norwalk, CT Business Owner Better Their Workers Comp Situation! For Help Call 866-925-1508 Today!

Know Your Workers' Compensation Options. We Provide Expert Advice So You Make The Right Choice! Know Your Options.

Many business owners think the only option for their Workers' Compensation Insurance is through a state or assigned risk plan. Many are not aware of the other choices they have when it comes to buying this coverage.

Let's start with insurance companies that offer stand-a-lone, Workers Comp Policies. Usually, their rates are guaranteed for one year. Businesses pay a fixed, monthly premium. To bind coverage usually a 25% deposit is required. This deposit is required to be paid each policy year. Depending on the company, they may offer a pay-as-you-go payment plan. This is the main type of Workman's Comp Policy business owners purchase.

Workers Compensation Insurance Norwalk - Connecticut

Another option, that few business owners know about, is a company that offers a payroll/workers' compensation plan. This plan, around for 24+ years, has several features designed to help Auto Services, contractors, limousine services, moving & storage agents, and local truckers and their employees. Note this is the ONLY program we know that's been in existence for 24+ years (it offers long-term coverage stability which we feel is important), and the payroll company owns their Workers Compensation Company. This allows them to insure riskier classes of business such as the ones mentioned above. This company has a separate division which allows them to offer all types of Contractors Insurance like Commercial General Liability, Commercial Umbrella Liability, and Business Auto Policies.

There are other payroll companies offering Workers Compensation Insurance. They have agreements with Insurance Companies and payment for coverage is usually deducted weekly or bi-weekly. Most of their companies are conservative with the types of businesses they'll insure. If you fall into a low-risk category like a florist or electrician, they'll have no problem insuring you. Some of their companies offer Competitive Insurance Rates. With others, their rates can be high. Some payroll services add fees on top of what they get paid from their insurance companies. BUYER BEWARE!

Finally, if you have poor loss experience and a high experience modification, making it difficult to get insurance, there are Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) that may come to your rescue! They couple Payroll Services with workers compensation. They are like payroll/WC plans but technically/legally are set up differently. One technicality is they are considered co-employers. This means they have a say over who you hire. Some plans offer the option to purchase Affordable Health Insurance. This is another way to "Skin a Cat" if you need Group Health Insurance. Rates are competitive. Provider networks are extensive.

Options When You Have These Problems

Depending on the work you do, you may be able to get quotes from several insurance companies or just one. For example, if you're an accountant's office, florist, plumber, or electrician, most carriers will offer you Workers Compensation Coverage. However, if you're a limousine service, trucker, or high-risk class contractor, only one or two carriers may offer coverage.

What if you have a poor loss experience? Usually, you have to go to a state or assigned risk plan. But what if you don't want to go through one? What if you previously had coverage with your state's plan, got canceled, and owe them money? Usually, unless you Pay Off The Balance they won't sell you a new policy. What if because of poor loss experience their rates are astronomical? What can YOU do?

Many businesses turn to BGES Group for help. Recently, we helped two contractors, each with over one million in losses, get coverage. Of course, the worst claims were from employees who no one witnessed getting injured, who immediately hired attorneys, who filed their claims NOT through their employer but directly with the Workers Compensation Board, one filing their claim 10 months after the date of the supposed accident. These people have no consciousness nor idea how they jeopardize their employer's existence and co-workers' livelihoods! Because we have "The Right Companies for Businesses with Poor Loss Experience," we got them coverage for Builders Risk Insurance! One employer, now every time an employee gets injured, hires a private investigator to investigate the claim. Within hours, a private investigator is looking into what happened. This investigator is quite shrewd. Are you a Norwalk, CT employer whose having claim problems? Want to hire this P.I.? Call Gary Wallach at 866-925-1508 and get help.

What if you are about to be canceled due to an audit dispute? A lot of businesses come to us for help when they're having Adit Problems. Even though their audit is wrong, their company leaves them with two options, pay or be canceled. Usually, the amounts owed are not just a few dollars but thousands, tens of thousands of dollars. One employer can't get a new policy until they agree to pay off the balance the company says they owe, $41,000! Only after they sign an iron-clad, written agreement drawn up by this Insurance Company's Attorneys can they purchase new coverage. The only issue for the owner is he doesn't owe them money, the company may even owe him money. Have audit problems and are worried about being canceled? Call 866-925-1508 and get a "Plan B" in place now.

Work out of state? For example, you are a Norwalk, CT contractor insured through a state plan. Most of your jobs are in the 5 boroughs but from time to time, you take jobs in Norwalk, CT. These jobs last a few weeks to several months. For these jobs, you use employees who live in Norwalk, CT. What happens if an employee gets hurt and seeks Medical Care in Norwalk, CT? Think you have the right coverage? Think again. It's our opinion if an injury occurs, for example, a worker falls and suffers severe back injuries, you will be responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars because your Insurance Carrier will deny coverage. So many contractors are clueless about this issue. BUYER BEWARE!

Recently we helped a Norwalk, CT office-based contractor, who does all their work in Norwalk, CT, get "The Right Coverage." They have workers that live in Norwalk, CT. However, all their work is done in Norwalk, CT. We cannot believe their Insurance Broker and the insurance company did not catch this mistake and advise them to purchase coverage with a company that covers Norwalk, CT. One Bad Claim and they could have been on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars! They are out of danger because we got them "The Right Coverage." We are looking into getting their money back from this carrier. We are talking about over $100,000! Think this can't be done? Have this problem contact us!

self insured workers compensation in Norwalk, CT

How To Get Help So Your Problem Gets Fixed

What can you do when faced with a problem that has your back against the wall? We feel calling BGES Group is one of your best bets! The owner, Mr. Wallach, is one of the most helpful "Workers' Compensation Specialists" in Norwalk, CT, and surrounding areas. He is an encyclopedia of knowledge and will help you until your problem gets fixed!

One amazing thing about Gary Wallach is when you call him you immediately get him. When you email him he emails you right back. When you text him he texts you right back. When you ask for help he has an unlimited capacity to give. Certificates are issued within minutes. You never wait for anything! He doesn't charge ridiculous Insurance Policy Fees of up to $10,000 or service fees of up to 10%! Why his competitors do this to their clients when they get paid by their insurance companies, in his opinion, shows what really drives them. High-risk businesses like Contractors Insurance pay through the nose for their insurance, why make it any more painful? Whether a client or not, Mr. Wallach helps everyone! He's the "Diamond in the Rough" that every once in a "Blue Moon" you get to work with. If Gary can't help he will direct you to someone he thinks can! His phone number is 866-925-1508 so call him anytime you need help.

BGES Group can help with the following issues:


1. Your Business is in a High-Risk Category, Therefore It Is Hard To Find Worker's Compensation – We have up to 25 companies to market your account to. We have several carriers that can Insure Businesses with poor loss experiences. Several others to insure if you're considered high risk. For example, we can insure Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, and Roofing contractors through nonstate plans.

2. Audit disputes – We can help fix audit mistakes or find you a new company.                           

3. Looking To Get Away From Annual Audits – Depending on the state and plan, we may be able to get you into a program that doesn't do annual audits or if they are legally required to do so, they require minimal work and documents from you.

4. Have Poor Loss Experience – If you are being canceled, we can find you a new company. If your rates have skyrocketed, we can find you a company whose rates are lower. Two contractors, both with over $1 million in losses, came to us seeking help. We ended up getting them new companies, both offering better rates.

5. Being Cancelled – We can find you a new insurance company.

6. High Experience Modification Factor – We have programs that have their own unique rating calculations so we may be able to get you lower rates.

7. Payroll Being Misclassified – We can help you get reclassified so the proper class code (s) and rates apply. In addition, we have a service that can go back up to seven years and get you refunds for the mistakes made in charging you. Our service has gotten refunds of up to $500,000 for business owners. See 8.

8. Workers' Compensation Premium Recovery – Get back up to $500,000 on past Workers Comp payments. We can go back seven (7) years. Because the rules are complex and based on ever-changing codes, insurance companies have little interest in finding mistakes and saving you money. That's where we come in. With years of experience in recovering excess and/or erroneous payments, we identify and Recover Premiums on your behalf. And we do so on a contingent-fee basis where you pay only if and when we collect on your behalf. Examples of refunds: $50,000, $230,000, $300,000 and $500,000, $20,000. We do all the work. And YOU get money back you never even thought possible!

9. Unhappy with Payroll Service Providing Your Workers Compensation – We have up to 10 programs and can get you lower payroll processing fees and lower Worker's Compensation rates.

10. Do Not Want To Pay a Fixed Premium Every Month – We have programs that allow you to report payroll weekly or monthly and pay a premium based on payrolls reported. For the months payroll is low, your premium will be low too. This can help with cash flow.

11. Do Not Want To Pay a Renewal Deposit Every Year – We have programs where you pay up front a deposit then on renewal, no deposit is required.                                              

12. Sick of Paying Your Broker a $500 to $2,500+ Policy Fee or up to a 10% Service Fee – Unless the company does not pay us a commission, we usually do not charge policy or service fees. You work hard for your money. We want you to keep as much as possible and this is our way of showing we are sincere.

Whatever your issue, we can help. Just tell us what you want and we will find a way to get it done. Let us take whatever headaches you have and make them our headaches. For help call Gary Wallach at 866-925-1508.

About BGES Group Insurance

BGES Group a Leading Commercial Insurance Provider is a full service agency offering Property, Inland Marine, General Liability, Umbrella Liability, Business Auto, Bid & Performance Bonds, Workers' Compensation, Workers Compensation Premium Recovery, Norwalk State Disability, Commercial Health Insurance and more. We offer Соnѕultаtiоn on Vаriоuѕ Riѕk Management Issues too in Norwalk, CT.  

Areas of Specialty: Construction Insurance – Looking for lower rates &/or better coverage? We represent just about every conceivable program available for Norwalk Contractors (We Cover The Tri-State Area); Workers' Compensation Insurance For All Types of Business; Commercial Insurance for all types of business owners; Special Discounted Property & Liability Programs for Соmmеrсiаl Rеаl Еѕtаtе Owners; Group Health Insurance.  

We also offer Personal Lines Insurance such as Homeowners, Auto, Boat, Individual Health, Life, Long-Term Disability, Long-Term Care, Annuities and much, much more! Looking to Орtimizе Уоur Financial Positions, turn to us for help.  

What differentiates us from other agencies is our "boutique, never have to wait service." Not only do we design the Most Ѕuitаblе Insurance package but you get to deal with one person who knows your account inside and out!  

We differentiate ourselves by giving clients very personal care. When you call we immediately answer the phone. Emails are responded to immediately. Texts too. Tired of waiting, being placed on hold, being told your "CSR" is away from their desk, out to lunch, on vacation? That won't happen with us and best part, YOU ALWAYS get a friendly, helpful person to talk to when you call. Isn't that refreshing!  

Prоblеm-Sоlvеrѕ - Truѕtеd Adviѕеrѕ - Induѕtrу Lеаdеrѕ. However уоu think оf us, wе strive to do more fоr оur customers. Wе аrе here to help design a Workers' Compensation program that fits YOUR needs. Call at 866-925-1508 and get help today!"

BGES Group Insurance | Serving Norwalk Connecticut | 866-925-1508
Norwalk, Connecticut Connecticut Connecticut USA - Other Locations
| Hours: | $19 service calls